Species protection

Species protection

We consider protecting species essential for safeguarding our living environment

Animal and plant species are a key part of our planet’s biodiversity. Some species are “flagship species”. Other species can profit from their protection. Species can play a crucial role in the balance of a natural system: if these species disappear, that system may collapse.

Many species are faced with extinction by a myriad of mostly human-induced threats. These threats range from illegal harvesting to habitat destruction, and from climate change to human-wildlife conflict. Increasing human pressure leads to less living space by the day for animals and plants. Humans are the only ones that can prevent those species from disappearing from the earth. Dedicated efforts by highly motivated people and organisations can save a species from being pushed over the brink. Many examples show that it pays to dedicate one’s life to save one species of tree, bird, or any other creature. The Van Tienhoven Foundation aims to support such initiatives. With relatively little support great impact can be achieved. It is such small but highly active initiatives led by local organisations and/or local human communities that can act and persevere in places where government or society are not geared towards biodiversity conservation. The red list of threatened species (www.iucnredlist.org) paints a bleak picture of many species faced with extinction. However, it also shows examples of species saved by the dedicated action of people and organisations globally. Charismatic species, or species important for ecosystem stability are often used to raise awareness in local communities or authorities for the importance of naturally functioning ecosystems. Safeguarding these species may protect the wider natural ecosystems that serve humanity in many ways.

The Van Tienhoven Foundation welcomes applications that are pragmatic in its approach to directly address the threats that impact the decline of (a) species. Understanding and sustainably mitigating the main causes of the threats with involving the key stakeholders in the solution is crucial.

Ange Imanishimwe


"We wish to tell you that you were very helpful in supporting BIOCOOP to get grants from your good Foundation and without your support a number of indigenous tree species and animals in Nyungwe National Park could not be healthy! But now more than 35 hectares were restored and biodiversity conservation was taught to many folks in Rwanda."

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More species protection projects

Species protection

Community-based survey and conservation of greater slow loris in Northeast Leuser Ecosystem

Greater slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) has been recently listed to “Endangered”. It has been steeply declining due to hunting for pet trade and their primary habitat loss. Our organization is protecting slow lorises and their populations in the wild by working with local communities, educating children, and fighting wildlife traffickers.   With support from the […]

Species protection

Endangered Species on the Menu: Urban Demand for Wild Meat in Madagascar

Hunting is among the greatest threats to nonhuman primates worldwide. Madagascar is a primate mega-diversity country, and lemurs are one of the most threatened groups of vertebrates globally, yet there persists a lack of information on the urban demand for, and trade of, lemurs across Madagascar’s city centers.   Thanks, in part, to the Van […]

Species protection

Conservation of two critically endangered Angelshark species in the newly created Marine Protected Area of Grand-Béréby (southwestern Ivory Coast)

Through marine biodiversity surveys and data collection at fishery landing sites preceding the creation of the Grand-Béréby Marine Protected Area (MPA), at least 18 species of elasmobranchs have been inventoried by ONG CEM. These include two species of Angelsharks (Squatina aculeata and Squatina oculate) classified as critically endangered in the IUCN Red List, which are […]

Species protection

Conservation actions to protect Magnolia urraoensis, the tree of peace in Colombia

Our project is dedicated to conserving Magnolia urraoensis, a globally endangered species in Colombia. The species faces numerous challenges, including fragmented forests, limited distribution, and low population density. To address these issues, we have initiated a comprehensive recovery strategy that actively involves local communities.   The project encompasses several key objectives. First, we aim to […]

Species protection

SOS Turtles Network In Kerkennah

Marine Turtles in Kerkennah Archipelago are constantly facing bycatch therefore their life is always threatened. This is why Youth & Science Kerkennah have been working on rescuing marine turtles and encouraging locals to do the same to reduce risks. In fact, AJSK aims to raise awareness among fishermen and citizens about the importance of Marine […]

Species protection

Community-led protection of the endangered Cilician Fir tree

This project aims to protect the Cilician fir tree (abies cilicica or “shouh” in Arabic) in a 40,000m2 section of the Qammoua forest located in Akkar, Northern Lebanon. The Cilician fir is endemic to mountainous regions in Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. While “near threatened” in Turkey, it is “endangered” in Lebanon, existing in just three […]

Species protection

San Quintín Kangaroo rat: a resilience story

In 2017, when members from Terra Peninsular and researchers from The Nat were in the Valle Tranquilo Nature Reserve conducting routine monitoring of small mammal communities, they found an individual of the San Quintín kangaroo rat (Dipodomys gravipes), which was thought to be extinct since 1986.   This achievement encouraged the “K-Rat team” to conduct […]