Saving the giant otter from forest fire in Amazon forests
Strengthening the conservation capacities of the Ticuna indigenous community, for the sustainable conservation of the giant otter “Pteronura brasiliensis”, in the Colombian Amazon.
- Training of 300 Ticuna indigenous youth in mammalian conservation.
- Protection of 18 km2 of humid tropical forests and wetlands, habitats of the target species, as a natural protected area type II, according to IUCN criteria.
- Environmental restoration of 18Km2 of habitat of the target species.
- Creation of an environmental entity for the conservation of the biodiversity of the Ticuna indigenous territory.
- Inform 10,000 people related to conservation about the progress and results of the project.
The methodology has 4 components:
(i)Educational *30 trainings to 300 indigenous Ticuna. Topip:Otter conservation and manage natural proteted areas. *“door-to-door” training days, by young trained, to the Ticuna community. (ii)Conservation *Declaration of 18Km2 as a protected natural área. *Establishment of closed season for consumption, hunting and trafficking of skin and meat of the target species. *Plant 10,000 native fast-growing trees. *Installation of 25 informational fences. *Mapping of 5km2 of ecological corridors of the otter. *Delivery of basic fire equipment. (iii)Communication *Opening of website and social networks of the project. (iv)Sustainability *Creation of indigenous environmental foundation, led by Ticuna Indigenous.