Initiating community-based bio briquette production to manage the invasion of mile-a-minute weed (Mikenia micrantha) on community-managed buffer zone area of Chitwan National Park, Nepal
The aim of the project is to assist the Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) to remove the invasive weed ‘Mikenia micrantha’ on a regular basis in the Buffer Zone Community Forests (BZCFs) of Chitwan National Park. To attain this aim, we will build capacity and provide briquette production units to CFUGs to initiate bio-briquette production, using biomass of Mikenia as raw material. As the plant does not have any economic value or food value for herbivores, production of fuel briquettes will be the alternative method to manage the proliferation problem and also to reduce dependence on fuel wood and deforestation.
a. Selection of Community Forests Five rhino inhabiting community forests with most Mikenia invasion will be selected through consultation with Chitwan National Park staff and field visits. b. Meeting with CFUGs i) To provide general information of project. ii) To select 15 members for bio-briquette making training. c. Trainings Five 2-day bio-briquette making trainings will be provided to selected members of CFUGs. d. Production unit distribution One charring drum and 5 sets of mold will be provided to CFUGs. e. Stove production 200 simple briquette stoves will be produced in each CFUGs using mud and metal rod for free distribution.