by Green And Social Future Foundation

Ethno-Program For The Sustainable Conservation Of The Turtle Carranchina (Mesoclemmys dahli), in Colombia

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by Green And Social Future Foundation

Ethno-Program For The Sustainable Conservation Of The Turtle Carranchina (Mesoclemmys dahli), in Colombia

Implement an inclusive program with a gender approach for the sustainable conservation of the Carranchina turtle (Mesoclemmys dahli), through the increase of 2,500 individuals in the Carranchina turtle (Mesoclemmys dahli) populations, in the Zenú indigenous territory, in Colombia. Mapping ecological corridors of the Carranchina turtle for the declaration of 32 Km2 as protected areas, in habitats and ecological corridors of this species, taking advantage of the political-administrative autonomy of the Zenú authorities over their territory. Implementation of an environmental corporation directed by 30 indigenous youth (50% women) whose social purpose is the sustainability of the conservation of the Carranchina turtle.


  1. Conservation program:
  • Restation of wetlands and dry tropical forests.
  • Change of 300 circular hooks.
  • Reforestation of forests and wetlands
  1. Sustainability program:
  • Declaration of 32 Km2 as protected areas.
  • Creation of environmental corporation.
  • Emission of administrative resolution with restrictions on hunting, consumption and trafficking of Carranchina turtle.
  1. Education program:
  • 20 days of conservation training for 1000 Zenú indigenous youth.
  1. Monitoring program
  • Mapping of 5 km2 of ecological corridors of the turtle.
  • Monitoring of 10 specimens with satellite telemetry.
  1. Communication program:
  • Opening social networks, web page with project progress.
  • Plan of regional marketing for ecotourism promotion.
Name organisation:
Green And Social Future Foundation
Start date:
Name organisation:
Green And Social Future Foundation
Start date:

Increase conservation capacity of the Zenú community

Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world. But it has a delay in intervention and environmental education. Before the signing of the peace process in 2016, the Zenú indigenous territory was the victim of the civil war. The Fuverde Foundation has signed agreements with the University of Sucre and the Zenú indigenous leadership and through this project will increase the conservation capacity of the Zenú community and strengthen the role of indigenous women in decision making and environmental operability.