by Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF)

Enhancing ecological health and community well-being through a community led mangrove restoration program, Beqa Lagoon Fiji

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by Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF)

Enhancing ecological health and community well-being through a community led mangrove restoration program, Beqa Lagoon Fiji

Rehabilitate, enhance and maintain mangrove habitats of Beqa Lagoon to:

  • Restore primary pupping habitat for two species of threatened sharks that utilize the sheltered coastal waters of Beqa Island and lagoon system.
  • Restore and protect coastal habitats for marine turtles that inhabit inlets, protected inshore bays and dense mangrove forest during all life phases.
  • Enhance primary productivity by increasing abundance and diversity of mangrove forests to spatially increase reef fish and invertebrate recruitment habitat.
  • Stabilize coastal zone and mitigate against sea level rise attributed to climate change.


Mangrove habitat mapped spatially via GIS / ground-truthing techniques.

  • Community training and implementing of coastal-scape design: coastal protection, wildlife habitat and nurseries, and safe mooring sites for boats.
  • Develop seven mangrove nurseries in strategic locations.
  • Nurseries stocked with local mangrove species.
  • Seedlings grow to out-planting stage for approx. 3 months.
  • Out-planting of mangroves in seven bays.
  • Mangroves will be remapped at the end of project and compared with baseline to demonstrate percentage increase in mangrove cover.
  • Management plans developed and implemented on an ongoing basis by local communities to sustain, maintain and enhance mangrove ecological values.
Name organisation:
Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF)
Start date:
Social media/website
Name organisation:
Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF)
Start date:
Social media/website
Fiji Africa

Mangrove restoration program in Fiji

The project aims to rehabilitate, enhance and maintain mangrove forests of Beqa Lagoon. The focus is to restore primary pupping habitat for two species of threatened sharks that utilize the sheltered coastal waters of the lagoon ecosystem. The project will support restoring and protecting coastal habitats for marine turtles that inhabit inlets, protected inshore bays and dense mangrove forest during all life phases. Achieving enhanced primary productivity by increasing abundance and diversity of mangrove forests, will spatially increase reef fish and invertebrate recruitment habitat. The mangroves will stabilize coastal zone and mitigate against sea level rise attributed to climate change.


Fiji experienced rapid coastal and marine resources’ deterioration. Mangrove deforestation and cyclones led to diminishing coastal defenses, saltwater intrusions, decreased fish stocks, and decline in subsistence livelihoods and community wellbeing.


The project utilizes various methods to achieve outcomes, these include; mangrove habitat mapping, community training and implementing of coastal-scape design, coastal protection, wildlife habitat and nurseries, and safe mooring sites for boats. Mangrove nurseries will be developed in strategic locations and stocked with local mangrove species, and the nursery-grown seedlings will be out-planted in seven bays of Beqa and Yanuca Islands, in Beqa Lagoon. Restoration sites will be remapped at the end of project and compared with the baseline to evaluate percentage increase in mangrove cover. To support the long-term self-sustainability of the project, management plans will be developed and implemented on an ongoing basis by local communities to sustain, maintain and enhance mangrove ecological values.


Pacific Blue Foundation (PBF), together with project partners from Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area (FLMMA) Network, the Fijian Government and the University of the South Pacific, partner with local communities to address conservation issues through sustainable socio-economic development. PBF implements cross-sectoral management strategies addressing conservation priorities and threats. This project represents the Mangrove Restoration component of the ‘Beqa Lagoon Initiative’, a high priority in developed management targets. This project supports communities implement a priority targeting biodiversity conservation outcomes and climate change mitigation synergistically