Enhancing ecological health and community well-being through a community led mangrove restoration program, Beqa Lagoon Fiji
Rehabilitate, enhance and maintain mangrove habitats of Beqa Lagoon to:
- Restore primary pupping habitat for two species of threatened sharks that utilize the sheltered coastal waters of Beqa Island and lagoon system.
- Restore and protect coastal habitats for marine turtles that inhabit inlets, protected inshore bays and dense mangrove forest during all life phases.
- Enhance primary productivity by increasing abundance and diversity of mangrove forests to spatially increase reef fish and invertebrate recruitment habitat.
- Stabilize coastal zone and mitigate against sea level rise attributed to climate change.
Mangrove habitat mapped spatially via GIS / ground-truthing techniques.
- Community training and implementing of coastal-scape design: coastal protection, wildlife habitat and nurseries, and safe mooring sites for boats.
- Develop seven mangrove nurseries in strategic locations.
- Nurseries stocked with local mangrove species.
- Seedlings grow to out-planting stage for approx. 3 months.
- Out-planting of mangroves in seven bays.
- Mangroves will be remapped at the end of project and compared with baseline to demonstrate percentage increase in mangrove cover.
- Management plans developed and implemented on an ongoing basis by local communities to sustain, maintain and enhance mangrove ecological values.