Critically Endangered Bengal Florican in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
“Wings of Hope: Population Monitoring and Conservation of Critically Endangered Bengal
Florican in Chitwan National Park, Nepal”
Bengal Florican is a ground-dwelling grassland bustard whose population is estimated to be under
100 individuals in Nepal. In past few years, Chitwan National Park has recorded only a few
individuals of this Critically Endangered species. In this dire scenario, the grasslands within
protected areas and buffer zones play a pivotal role in the protection of Bengal Florican. However,
the superficial understanding of species breeding and migration ecology and the heavy reliance of
local people on species’ habitats has led to an unprecedented decline in this species. Despite this,
local people are still unaware of the conservation requirements. To bridge this critical gap in
conservation efforts, this project aims to promote awareness among local communities and involve
them in species monitoring and conservation activities.
The overall aim of this project shall be achieved by recording the population distribution and
breeding sites of Bengal Florican, engaging locals in capacity development training for species
monitoring and conservation, and recording the threats to Bengal Florican in the buffer zone of the
Chitwan National Park. Different conservation awareness materials like brochures and posters
shall be prepared including the key information about the species. School Awareness programs
shall be done to involve the new generation in conservation activities. Overall, this project will
identify grassland requiring urgent attention and generate well-informed local stakeholders, who
will be directly linked to the conservation of Bengal Florican.